Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Committing to Change

I think the hardest part of committing to change is that it's continual...you never really "arrive". I'm never going to wake up one morning, check my change barometer and realize- I'M DONE, YAY! That creates a challenge for me. A BIG challenge, like Mount Everest size. This whole not knowing thing has tripped me up for many years- as I look back over things I have started, attempted, was passionate about, attacked, tried, failed, tried again, failed again, they all ended the same...I eventually QUIT. Game over-thanks for playing.

The problem is I was looking for a finish line, and when you are on a journey that you've never been on before how do you know where that is or what it looks like. To be honest my finish line was pretty much the same in each endeavor and as equally vague: "Successful". As you can imagine that line is a mirage- what the heck does that even mean? It could mean a million different things to a million different people and even as I sit here typing I find it difficult to describe what "Successful" even means TO ME- so how in the world was I going to know if I ever got there? Great plan, eh?

In my quest for knowledge I am learning to do away with traditional ways of going about things and chunk it down to simplicity. I've learned that I overcomplicate 99% of life and doing so is a huge expenditure of wasted energy. I've learned there is no finish line, there is only TODAY and CHOICE. That's all any of us are guaranteed, so the most I can do today is to make better choices than I did yesterday and that's called GROWTH. People who chose to stop growing have made another choice by default; the slow, unfulfilled, purposeless journey toward death- I definitely CHOSE growth- with aggression!

So how do you go "All In" on this journey if you never really know where it is that you are going, or when you will get there? You commit to CHANGE. You commit be being GREATER- greater today than you were yesterday. Don't worry about tomorrow, have a vision of where you want to go but FOCUS on making better choices today that will head you in that direction. Ask yourself- "Does this take me closer to my goals?" in everything you do and more importantly things you chose NOT to do. Big decisions are not the ones that are going to determine your journey, it's the small seemingly insignificant things we do or chose NOT to do over time that lead us off course.

How will you KNOW when change is happening...you won't...but then again you will. You will notice subtle things that used to bother you that don't anymore, and other things that you tolerated before in your life that now grab your attention to address. Your habits will become different, you will spend your time differently throughout the day, other people will begin to notice "something" different about you. You will start to feel an inner peace, joy, energy, and the ability to laser focus like never before. I believe THIS is the state we were meant to take on the world and be difference makers, but it starts with committing, and begins with action.

Will you Commit to Change?

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