Thursday, September 19, 2013

How to Communicate with Zombies

Rented World War Z last night and realized two things

1) the only thing I actually knew prior to renting this movie was that it starred Brad Pitt and things blowing up
2) my 14 year old is the one person you want with you during a Zombie Apocalypse- he literally knows everything...seriously-EVERYTHING...
TIP: head for the ocean, they can't swim
Besides freaking me out a bit the movie did get me thinking about going through life in a functioning vegetative state; see the Zombies were only active when stimulated- with no stimulation they wandered around aimlessly, moaned, laid around, walked in patterns, no direction, no focus....and it got me thinking about the sad fact that there are way too many people living that way right now. I'm not saying these people are going to up and start eating each other by any means, but I also wouldn't be handing out bath salts at Christmas...just sayin!

So if we live in a world where we have the ability to communicate with virtually anyone, anytime, anywhere- why are people feeling lost and alone more than ever? I feel that what we are missing right now isn't communication, it's CONNECTION. The ability to connect with another human being on a level that supersedes reading. We have eyes, ears, touch, speech, smell and even hearts to feel emotion and our relationships are becoming flat, empty words, carefully chosen by how we feel  "the world" will perceive them. Sounds super special right?
A short year ago I was actually one of these very same people- going through life on auto-pilot. Checking off my adult to-do list; college- check, marriage-check-check-ch..(okay, still working on getting that one right-no judging here), kids-check, dog-check, house-check, job-check- my list is getting you all fired up to take on the world and make a difference right? I think my biggest "dream" a year ago was to hopefully have money someday to be able to invest...( before I die)- THIS is what creates Zombies- LAME LISTS!
My list was awesome when I was a kid- I was going to write books, publish poetry, write songs, be on Broadway, and in movies, and invent some crazy contraption that would change the world- I was SUPPOSED to BE Taylor Swift- WHAT THE CRAP happened to THAT list? ...side note- I was also supposed to marry Tom Cruise (BEFORE Nicole Kidman), so I probably dodged a bullet on that one...cause seriously, that got weird...
Love life aside I really do think we have the greatest idea of what we are naturally good at back when we didn't know any better. We were all designed for a specific purpose while here- we all have a special gift or talent that world needs and I think the reason we have so many people going through life as Zombies, or worse- filling that emptiness with addictions is directly due to the fact they are living a life void of purpose. So we disconnect, wander aimlessly, and finally put our heads in the sand coming up only for primetime and cheezy poofs.
So how do we fix it?
Step 1) Locate the person nearest to you, achieve eye contact and smile
Step 2) Turn off your mobile device, put it away and state the following...
"When I was a kid I was going to  ______________________, what about you?"

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