Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 9 of Mom on The 24 Day Challenge


Having a really hard time with my goal of not weighing in until the Fiber Cleanse is over, especially when everyone keeps weighing themselves and Mr. Water Diet is down a pound or two daily. In my quest to stick to my goal I turned to google and see what I can find.

 Funniest part of my search:
losing post baby weight, weight loss products, diet
Seriously people?  Number 2 is how to "make out" and 3 is how to make Cake Pops? I could go a hundred different ways with this, but I will control myself and simply state that I guess the only other people googling "how to" are 11 or are looking to move beyond the cupcake craze.  :/

Side note: Did I really need to see "cake" anything right now? Google...why do you hate?

 What I DID find regarding how to tell your body is too burning too many cupcakes eaten over the years fat for fuel or is in "Ketosis" (where we want to be- especially after the cleanse) is:

First, you need to be following the plan as outlined, specifically IE. NO CHEATING:

1. 5 balanced, low fat meals under 600 calories/day
2. drinking at least 1G of water a day

You will be able to tell in two ways- first being the frequent need to urinate- as your body will be eliminating the Adipose (FAT) tissue by breaking it down into waste and toxins and the quickest way for it to eliminate those toxins is through the urine. Secondly you will feel slightly hungry frequently and throughout the day- because like me, you probably went from eating large irregularly timed meals to the evenly spaced smaller meals of the plan and these "hunger pains" you are now feeling is the result of your stomach shrinking. As long as you are eating to plan, (make sure you are following the breastfeeding version as it accomodates the extra calories you need so your milk supply isn't affected), then you have no need to worry about these or starving!

UPDATE 9.12.2012- I have since done additional searching out of my own curiosity due to the excessive trips to the Loo- like, EXCESSIVE. Another way to guarentee you are in Ketosis is that you are having 5-7 bowel movements a day...uhhh,check and CHECK! ...It also says any more than that you may have IBS...some day's I'm riding a fine line on that one!

Are you on Day 9 of The 24 Day Challenge? Are you weighing yourself daily or waiting? Leave a comment!

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