Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 13 of Mom on The 24 Day Challenge


So far-so good on plan! I really was a bit worried the no carbs for three days wouldn't be do-able but since I'm already on an eating schedule, my stomach must have adjusted because I haven't been hungry or uncomfortable at all. In fact a couple times I have had to remind myself it was time to eat! Like THAT ever happened on any other weight loss plan I've tried.

I continue to notice the subtle changes in my body; my shorts are fitting better, my post baby jiggle stomach is starting to deflate, even Mr. Water Diet said I looked skinnier the other night- WHOOHOO! Maybe he was working an angle, but either way- I'll take it!

I barbecued chicken and lobster tails last night and it was the first time in the Challenge that I have felt like I really wanted a beer- I ALWAYS barbecue with beer in hand. I'm pretty sure the barbecue instructions specify "HANDLE WITH BEER", or wine- depending on your mood. The fixation was fleeting, the food turned out perfect, and I survived without giving into it- which seems to get a tiny bit easier with each positive change I see in the mirror.

In other news... Mr. Water Diet has decided he wants to do the cleanse as well to boost his weightloss, so it's on order to arrive Tuesday- THIS should be an adventure so stay tuned!!

Are you on Day 13 of The 24 Day Challenge? What changes are you starting to notice? Leave a comment!

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