Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 19 of Mom on The 24 Day Challenge


The last couple days have been rough in the sleep department and here is where being a Mom on The 24 Day Challenge throws you a curve ball. In The Challenge support group I have on FB there is a woman who keeps posting about how she's getting 10 hours of sleep a night and loving it.....she's obviously not nursing! 10 hours of sleep for me would be called a VACATION! I tried having a heart to heart conversation with Parky about the health benefits of sleeping through the night but he was more interested in trying to eat the button off my shirt....sigh.

So the best advise I can give any Mom's struggling with getting enough sleep is to take it when you can. Duh, right? I know it sounds like a given, but I can't tell you how many nights I find myself exhausted but I stay up because it's the ONLY time I have without a child needing SOMETHING... food, attention, hug, homework help, toilet paper (is it just my kids on this one?), answers to a string of never ending questions, the list goes on. What I have started to realize is that what my body needs most RIGHT NOW is to be using those precious hours to REST. I started by making 10pm the cutoff to hit the sack and now I am focusing on listening to my body- if' it's 9 and I'm feeling pretty tired, I head to bed. Baby steps...right?


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Get your Mr. Potato Heads ready Peeps, we're watching FOOTBALL!!

Are you on Day 19 of The 24 Day Challenge? How are you handling getting enough sleep? Leave a comment!!

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