Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 5- Finally Friday!

If you are following along you know I had hummus for dinner last night and I've gotten pretty creative over the past few years in getting the most of the money I spend- especially food cause it really does add up. Breakfast today was my leftover hummus, plus 4 egg whites chopped.

Served it up with my leftover whole wheat pita bread, and only was able to finish about half of both- Parky ate the rest of the pita. I really wanted the celery in the background but my tooth is still bugging me so no super crunchy foods yet :/

Paul is on vacation all week and we had some errands to run to lunch was a treat- YC's Mongolian Barbecue- my FAV! I do mine with all white meat chicken, zucchini, cabbage, spinach, green onions, and broccoli- super filling!

This really was an awesome lunch, one of my favorite "eating out" meals while challenging- just really watch what you are adding for making the "sauce" so you don't get added sugar and they even have whole wheat noodles and brown rice you can add if you are on a refuel day.

Lunch was so filling I really wasn't hungry for dinner so I worked out instead while everyone else ate....McDonalds...yep- I'm that cool! I did steal 2 fries though, not gonna lie...

After my workout I had an Orange Cream Meal Replacement Shake for dinner. We rented movies earlier and got suckered into a popcorn tin at Walgreens, luckily my Carb Ease Plus arrived today (it inhibits the breakdown and absorption of the carbs you eat) so I figured I earned some popcorn with the move. It wasn't that great so I really didn't eat more than about three handfuls. Crappy popcorn is really a downer... :/

Is it even possible to watch a movie without popcorn? For me that would be like watching a movie with your eyes closed...what's the point?

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