In this second half of my journey through life I have COMMITTED to success, and my first lesson was to make different choices. By making the same choices I had always made I kept ending up in the same situations I was desperately trying to get out of. If you want different in life you have to DO different. Different choices, actions, attitudes, mindsets- and depending on your particular situation and goals it may mean different EVERYTHING, that's just the way it is. You can cry about, fight it, ignore it, deny it, and STAY THE SAME, or can accept it or better yet EMBRACE it- and move onto greener's your choice.
So if you are preparing to make a different choice than you have in the past, it is reasonably expected that this may throw you into unfamiliar territory- GREAT! That means you are headed in a NEW direction so get EXCITED and stay in motion. Don't get freaked out that you don't know where the "end" is, that you don't have every step of the path marked out in advance, don't spend time imagining everything that could go wrong and all your contingency plans for these imaginary roadblocks- JUST TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME. Your mind will throw a million and one "what if's" at you everyday regardless...the only one you should allow to reside is-
-will it be because your journey was perfect?
-will it be because you had every contingency plan carefully planned out years in advance?
-will it be because you spent hours-days-months studying, researching, and quantifying information?
-will it be because every single person in your circle of influence supported your every decision, every single day with love and words of encouragement so you just KNEW you couldn't fail?
-will it be because you never made any mistakes, never took a wrong turn, listened to bad advice, or just plain got lost at some point?